
Without evidence, I convinced myself that forms, in and of themselves, would not be accepted in the Cleveland area; images, however much abstracted, would have to be painted on the forms. So, loosely brushed landscapes were painted over each form, and then infused with representations of trilobites, prehistoric dolmen, stone circles, rivers and condors. The forms symbolized chunks of earth and time; the images were indicative of life; together they expressed environmental and societal views. Individual images were enhanced, or nearly obliterated by heavy over-painting. My first multiple-unit compositions were exhibited.

Daddy Explained -- Mother is Recalled
Daddy Explained Buried Treasure
Daddy Explained Buried Treasure
Daddy Explained Buried Treasure
Daddy Explained Evidence from the Abandoned Colorado
Daddy Explained Partially Revealed Evidence
Daddy Explained the Earth to Me (Strata & Trilobites)
Earth Shield (Plain of an Encounter)
Earth Shield with Beak and Wing
Earth Shield with River and Plain
Earth Shield with Stilled Wing and Fields
Plain of an Encounter

©2021 Ruth B. Bercaw. All rights reserved.